Thursday, March 14, 2024



March 14, 2024  HAPPY PIE DAY

Hey guys hope you guys are all doing well today cause I know I am. Today we have to talk about music. Music is always a fun part of the project because I love listening to all types of music and getting to expand my taste. However, I have to be very careful to not get sidetracked along the way because we got work to do for the project. Me and Fran have been wanting to choose a song for our soccer compilation at the beginning of the opening ever since we got the idea. Since we are going to record at Weston Regional Park (our local sports park), we are going to most likely have the field to ourselves, which is amazing cause then our possibilities are pretty much endless.

The issues with music:

At the start of this project, it was made very clear to us that we could not use copyright music without the permission of the artist that created the music. And with all due respect, I don't have the time to be writing to some artist asking them permission to use their song in my project without the guarantee that they are going to answer my text. It's frankly just too risky because of the time restraint that was put on us.

Another major issue that I have been concerned about is the fact that there are so many songs out there that are in the inspirational category that we want to do, but at the same time, we want to make sure that the song fits the timing and pacing of the scene.

How we're approaching this:

So me and Fran talked for a while and decided that whining about our issues isn't going to get the job done. We decided to search up "Inspirational copyright free music" on google and see what we got, just to get a basic sense of what we are going up against. We clicked on a page called Pixabay. We thought that we had found the perfect song but then realized that at the bottom of the page it mentions that the songs of creators can't be sold or distributed in any way which led us to have to find another page that did not impede us from using the song in our production.

We decided to ask our teacher for some websites for not only music, but sound as well. She talked to us for a while asking us what we were looking for out of songs and what tone of music we were hoping to find. After telling her the information, she gave us 3 pages that we could use to find music.

What are they?

- Free


- Bulletproofbear 

With these websites in mind, we were able to explore a lot of sounds and music that benefited our production the best. Only one small issue.... We went with a completely different page and chose a song that was not in either one of the 3 that she recommended. Now it's not that those websites didn't have good music, because they really did, we just felt that the song we chose best represented the style and pacing that we have envisioned for the scene.

So what the heck did we choose?

Well, after a lot of research and much more arguing between me and Fran because we have very different taste, we decided that the song that is going to start off our amazing production is going to be Hero's Time by Paul Kalazzi (DUN DUN DUN). We chose this song because it flows with our opening and it allows us to not only put the credits so that the reader isn't attracted immediately, but it fits with the scene and makes it almost look natural.

The following image is the License code image for the song saying that we have downloaded the music and are ready to start using it wherever we please.

I know I know, very impressive.

The last thing that me and Fran have to do regarding music is choose when we are going to cut certain parts of the song to fit with the time frame that is in our opening, and at the same time, not make it sound unusual or unappealing to the human ear. I have decided that I am going to take care of implementing the music into the video because that is something that I do have experience on when it comes to making projects that need music.

The following link is the link to the website where we picked our song from (It is called Uppbeat) here you can see what our other options where for choosing songs by choosing the "Inspiring" tab on the "Mood" category when you first enter the website. Hopefully you choose to listen to the song and can imagine a soccer compilation occurring while you are listening to the song, and can just picture the ball swirling into the net continuously with your eyes closed (and if you can't do that well then we're in trouble).

All this talk about inspiring music has me feeling like this:

The reflection and the next blog:

Well guys that's it for today. That is all I got for this subject and I just have to say that just like I predicted, this blog was so fun to drive. I feel like time passed really fast today and that's because I was so focused on my goal. The next blog is predicted to be tomorrow (Friday the 15) and I am going to tell you about how me and Fran are going to start filming and the ideas that we have in order to make this film the best that it can be.

Peace guys.

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