Wednesday, March 20, 2024

First day filming


March 20, 2024

Hey guys hope you guys are all doing well today and are excited to read what I have written for today. I came back with a fresh mind after last week and I felt like I did a lot of good things that I wanted to share about.

As you guys can see by the tittle of this very blog, we have some very exciting news to share with you guys. Me and Fran started filminggggggg.

I can picture in my head that you guys are jumping on your desks from the excitement that you have after reading those really big news. And not going to lie, everything went kind of perfect. In the following texts, I am going to guide you through the whole process.

How we approached this:

So me and Fran realized that we needed to step up our game in order to not fall behind compared to other students, so we realized that we needed to start filming as soon as we could, to get comfortable with the camera and acting in front of it. We picked out that the day we would be filming would be on Tuesday. Now I know it's strange, but it was the only day that me and Fran could both film without having any issues time wise. We went to Regional Park (the location we had mentioned in previous posts) which is a 15 minute bike ride for me, and we got straight to work.

The issues:

We had two very bright minds (I like to think) but neither of us knew how we would start, so we decided that we were going to calm down and that we were going to straighten our minds so that we could start the right way. We also decided that it was best for Fran to be the protagonist and me as the bully, because he has a lot of retro soccer shirts that have been worn a lot by his dad, and him. This was perfect as I also wanted to explore the bully role because it is a role that I think I could pursuit perfectly and I have learned a lot from Fran in the previous blogs that we have done. Another main issue that we had is that the fields were all occupied when we wanted to film. Remember how I told you guys that finding a field would be easy as not a lot of people use them? Well apparently I thought wrong, because I have never seen the fields so busy. It took us a while to find some space and an open goal, but we managed to make it work.

The progress:

Once we found an open area and goal to work with, me and Fran never looked back. We were able to get a lot of the compilation done, which was one of the biggest concerns that me and him had internally. I never mentioned it on the blog because I felt that it was an issue that we could resolve issue, and we did. Now, I hate do disappoint you guys, but I am not going to show you any footage or pictures from our progress while filming because of 2 reasons.

1: I don't want to spoil all the fun for you guys. I get it could create a lot of enthusiasm for you guys if you see some footage from what me and Fran have done, but I feel like if I don't show you guys anything, then I am going to be able to have you guys on the edge of your seats when the final weeks approach.

2: If I show you guys the footage and pictures from what we have done recently, then I am not going to have  a lot of new footage to show you guys during my CCR project which is coming up very soon. I think that the CCR is a big part of my grade so I want it to be to the best that it can be.

Back to the progress. Me and Fran had a fantastic time doing this filming and we felt like we got to know each other in a lot more ways than we had planned initially. We were able to take off a big part of this project that we felt was necessary to do. The only issue that I have, is the fact that Fran is going to be leaving on vacation soon, so I am very worried as to have we will edit with him being gone for a while. 

However, I am looking forward to being able to continue working with Fran on this amazing project and creating the bets film opening that we can for you guys. These blogs have gotten easier and easier to write every day. I feel like I am progressing significantly in my blogs and this progress is something that I will definitely be showing in my CCR as I feel it has helped me grow as a person and as a media student.

That's it for today guys. Thank you very much for reading this, I hope that you guys enjoyed what I had to say, and are as excited to watch the opening for our film as we are. Next blog should be tomorrow as I have to do 2 more by the end of this week to stay on schedule. If everything goes right, I should be able to call Fran later today and talk about the editing subject that we have.

Peace guys.

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