Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Script

February 25th, 2024

Hey guys what's up hope you're all doing well because I know I am. I know I told you guys that I would be writing in the blog yesterday to talk about the script, but after being so occupied doing so many important things I was just too busy to write

Totally not what I did for 12 hours yesterday feeling like an absolute dork not moving a single inch from my bed all day yesterday. (I totally did)

But anyways that is besides the point. Today I have a fresh mind and I'm ready to tell you guys about the script that me and Fran have been working on the last couple of days in and outside of class. Like I told you guys last time, Fran is going to to be the bully with his friends and I'm going to be the poor kid. (No racism involved because I'm Venezuelan and my countries economy is currently in the mud guys I promise)

So now to what you guys all came here for today (whether its because you want to or because you're forced to)....... THE SCRIPT!!!!!!!!!! I know I know that just made your day and you can't wait to read this thing

How I imagine you guys after I just filled you guys up with excitement.... (hopefully or this is really embarrassing)

Anyways back to the serious stuff. This is what we have so far on the script. I hope you guys enjoy and I'll update this if anything changes in the future.

The Script:

The screen is going to open to our high school hallway with all the commotion in the world and everyone trying to get to class. Our protagonist (named Jake) a 16 year old poor kid who has a worn out backpack and a REALLY old faded soccer shirt of his favorite team is going to be among the crowd trying to blend in but will be spotted by the school's bullies because of his ruined shirt.

The bullies are going to be laughing at him and saying stuff to try and make him feel bad and potentially provoke him into doing something dumb

(Now these lines aren't set in stone yet but it's definitely a possibility that can be in the opening)

Bully 1 named Brock (Fran): Hey, nice shirt, Jake! Did you get it from the dumpster?
    - His friends are going to be laughing with him to instigate the joke more

Jake is not going to pay attention to the first insult as he is just trying to get through his day and just get to class.

Then Bully number 2 (named Dirt) will say "Look at him, wearing the same old shirt every day! What a loser"

Jake is going to increase his pace significantly as he is trying to get away from the ridicule and not be laughed at by other students. His face is obviously turning red in embarrassment

Then the screen is going to cut to black and you will see Jake at the Soccer field practicing alone, his movements swift and determined. Despite the earlier bullying, he's focused on perfecting his skills, using soccer as an escape from the harsh realities of his life.

As he starts going home, He passes by a group of kids playing soccer in the street, their eyes lighting up as they watch him

The first kid says: "Hey isn't that Jake?"
"I've heard he's good but I've never seen him play"

His friend says: "bro you don't get it, he's amazing"

The first kid again says "Why does he always wear the same shirt though?"

To which his friend shrugs his shoulders: "I don't know"

A final clip of Jake going to his car will be shown and this is where we will show our tittle (We haven't decided on it yet either)

When Jake finally gets home and gets ready for bed, he closes his eyes with his soccer ball on his nightstand and all of a sudden a gasp of wind comes and it is clear something has happened to Jake.
( This last part we might change too in the next couple of days)


So that's what we have so far. I'm really looking forward to this project because working with Fran is just so much fun. I think this project is gonna come out excellent and we're going to enjoy it.

Thanks for reading guys I know you don't have a choice but still means a lot because we work hard on these things.

I'm going to write in here tomorrow after talking with Francisco and we will see what our next step is for the project

Peace guys

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