Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The Approach

2/20/24 (Tuesday February 20th, 2024)

Hey everybody, I'm back and today you guys are gonna read about the approach of everything. Enjoy <3

 Alright so with this whole idea of this massive project coming at me, I'm a bit stressed out, so I decided to not write yesterday, and continue with a fresh head and mindset today. I talked with Francisco literally the whole day yesterday through call to figure out what kind of approach we are going to take for the project. It didn't really take long for us to figure out that we wanted to construct our project based off a character vs character conflict. We feel like this type of conflict is one of the most engaging and entertaining conflicts in film right now as they grab the audience's attention from the very beginning. 

The Concept

After taking a lot of inspiration from the 2 movies mentioned in the previous post, Francisco and I decided that we are going to take a similar approach in the introduction when introducing our character to the audience. 

The Schedule

This is how me and Francisco will plan on taking on the challenge of the movie and how we will schedule ourselves so that we have more than enough time to film without any issues since we are both athletes outside of school

Week 1 (The Basics)

Brainstorm potential ideas

Week 2

Choose Project Genre

Research film openings to get inspired and grasp and idea

Develop Project Schedule

Week 3

Write the schedule down

Choose film opening approach

Develop the story outline and timeline

Develop the script for the film

Week 4

Create shot list

Create Storyboard for the film

List potential film locations to record

Develop Filming and Editing schedule for after filming footage

Week 5 (Hardest week for me)

Develop Mise-en-scene elements for film

Begin Filming our film

Week 6 

Continue the production for our film

Begin the editing for the opening

Develop Responses for the CCR questions

Create the Critical Reflection projects

Week 7

Research Information that relates to the creative reflection

Finish editing for the film

Get peer feedback 9among classmates) for our editing

Week 8

Make the Creative Reflection Project

Me and Fran meet up to check each other's posts to make sure everything is in order

Week 9 (Halleluiah) 

Post both the film and the CCR projects to the blog for you guys to enjoy

Back to the Approach

Now that you guys finished reading my whole life for the next 2 months we can continue with the approach for the film. Now, most films like ours, would include a narrator to commentate on the character's daily life and what led up to the exact moment that they are in, however me and Fran find that whenever there is a narrator, we get bored and tend to get on our phones, so to avoid that happening to you guys (if they even let you guys have your phones at work) we decided that we aren't going to use a narrator and instead are going to approach the timeline of our character directly

That's it for this week, hope you guys enjoyed this one a little more as I had more fun with this one then the last one, even though writing out schedule made me want to amputate my fingers. I'll write back here either tomorrow or on Thursday to discuss the outline an timeline for our film.


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Creative Critical Reflection

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